Wednesday, May 2, 2012

In the meantime, while I'm waiting to post pictures of my (imaginary) progress on my I Spy quilt, I thought I would get some random pictures posted. I still have to post Cody's One Year old pictures that I got taken, but other than that-I'm pretty well caught up on my blogging. So far, I have posted at least once a month-which is more than I can say for last year....I think. If you remember, one of my resolutions this year was to blog/write in my "Journal" more. I think it's something that the longer you put it off the harder it is to start back up again-cause to me-it feels like I have to "update" you the reader on what's been happening since the last post. So here's to me making it the whole year without missing a month. (I've promised myself, for Christmas, that if I can make it the whole year I will finally get my blog printed, book style. Yay!! Only 7 more months to go.)
Clay got a black eye at Daycare. He was running full speed looking at "how fast his feet were going" and bonked heads with another boy. This doesn't look bad at all-but the next day and the day after that is when it started looking like he was in a fight. Wish I got a picture of it...he looked pretty tough.
If you look close, you can kind of see what's left of Clay's black eye.
If you can't tell, my kids LOVE corndogs...
...With ketchup, fry sauce, and cheetos!
Been working in my front garden alot lately. Anyone that knows me, knows that I HATE clutter. So when I moved into this house I was really frustrated with the front garden. It literally looked like the person living here before took a handful of miscellaneous seeds and just threw them in the dirt. There was no rhyme or reason to any of the plants. It took a weekend plus two late night weekday weed and plant pulling to get it looking chaos free. Such hard work-but I love it now.
Love my little garden friends that I put in to give it character and color. We've been spending a lot of time outside-but not just gardening. Cody loves the bike trailer.
He climbs right in whenever we go outside, even if we aren't going anywhere. Another one of Cody's "favorites" is Clays little PW50 motorcyle. Chris took him on a ride one day in the front yard and that was all she wrote. Every morning while walking out to the car to go to work/school, Cody has to climb on the bike for a minute. He loves it so much. I kind of have a feeling that Cody may be riding it alot more than Clay. He seems to have more interest in it.
Hold on tight, Code-man!
Little squirt confiscated my apple!! Every couple of months I clean out the boys closets and dressers. It may seem like it's too often, but the kids are growing fast, I feel like I can barely keep them in clothes that fit. Thankfully I have always saved Clayton's clothes that were too small and in good shape. I always knew I have more kids and I wasn't ready to give away some of his darling clothes. Let me tell you it has really paid off. I pulled out several boxes and bags of clothing that Cody can now wear. Look at these rad pj's Erin got Clay when he was 18 months old. Cody will be 18 months this month! Crazy huh?
Love that he loves to watch his brother and Dad.
Love that cheesy smile and his cute little belly. I must say, I do get a little bit carried away squeezing him. :)

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