Monday, May 14, 2012

Done Painting For Awhile

One final room of painting-at least for awhile. (I still want to paint my master bedroom and bathroom, but I'm really undecided about the color right now.) I painted an accent wall in my salon what's called Lemon Grass Green-but in lamen terms Kermit the Frog Green. I love it! I was really nervous about it at first. I've always wanted a bright green wall and after seeing it on a commercial it only confirmed it. So here's the befores...
And the afters...
Did I mention I am IN LOVE with bright colors? So so happy with the way it turned out, and it really makes my Audrey Hepburn picture pop! In other news I had a great Mother's day. Beautiful flowers from my parents and my boys. Chris is letting me get my wedding ring remade for my mother's day gift-but I'll blog about that later when I can show the before and after pictures. The pale pink roses are from Clay (and Cody) and the mixture of flowers is from Chris. So so pretty.
And these are the flowers from my parents.
I'm so lucky to be a mommy, especially to these boys.
So very lucky.


  1. You guys are such a cute family! And I LOVE that green wall :)

  2. The wall turned out fantastic, Kell. I can't wait to see the before and after of your wedding ring. :) I love before and after photos. ha ha
