Thursday, August 16, 2012

It May Be A Little Early...

...But we have exciting news. Conger Baby #3 is on it's way. It's so early that we aren't sure what the sex is. My calculations predict I'll be due sometime in April. But my first Dr. visit isn't for another few weeks, so we'll see what they say.
We sure are excited and crossing our fingers for a little girl. However, should it be a boy? We'll love him just the same. Little boys happen to be my area of expertise. :)


  1. Congratulations! That's so exciting!

  2. Oh my goodness!!! Congratulations Kell! I am over the moon excited for you. I hope it's a girl too. :)

  3. Congrats Kell, that is awesome, I am crossing my fingers for your girl too ;) I also think your picture is darling with your cute sign.
