We haven't had a lot going on lately, but we've been trying to stay busy.We
had a few trips planned- one for the Sand Dunes(Memorial Day weekend), and one for Yellowstone (for the up coming July 4th weekend)-that we decided to cancel. Due to rising gas prices and a cruise we have planned for November, we came to the conclusion that the best thing for us would be to stay home and enjoy the summer here, around our own neck of the woods.
Clay's birthday was a couple weeks ago. He wanted a Batman cake. So we looked and looked for a "Batman shaped cake pan". After going to 3 or 4 stores, we gave up. So this was the product of Chris's imagination. Turned out great, huh?
Clay got way too spoiled, but one of his favorite birthday presents was from his Aunt Erin. She got him an Iron man arm guard. (that's the only way I know how to describe it) It makes all the Iron man noises and shoots little missiles from the bottom. So with the help of Great Aunt Patti's birthday money she sent him-he bought a mask to go with it. He also got a buzz lightyear puzzle that I think he enjoys. He'll sit and do it a couple times in a row (with the help of Dad).
We've gone to the park a few times. Granted only a few times cause the weather has only been good for a handful of days-even though we already almost to the middle of June. Clay is getting really good at climbing the rockwall. We also took a (very long) walk, on the path that circles the park. Chris will tell you that it was 10 miles long and lasted hours, when actuality it was probably 3 miles and was only an hour and a half long. But on the plus side there was a horse, that we stopped to feed some weeds. He really liked Clay!
Cody is growing up before our eyes and is trying so hard to crawl.
He's almost sitting up all by himself (gets stronger every day), and likes to feed
He and brother like to snuggle too!
Took the boys out to a little field/dirt patch (what ever you want to call it really- close by our house) and let clay ride his motorcyle that he got for Christmas. He crashed once but he got right back up and rode some more. He really likes riding with Chris and apparently so does Cody!
Cody even has his own pair of sunglasses. What a cool little dude! :)
So we're not doing much, but sure loving it!