Thursday, January 20, 2011


I've come to the conclusion that I am the culprit in overwhelming myself. Surprise, surprise, I know right? I get caught up in my day to day activities-swearing I'll blog about them later-but I don't. The days pass and the activities pile up and before you know it, I'm trying to blog about 20 different things at once. I so dread those long posts (as I'm sure do you). As much as I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to write-I only have so much time before Clay is no longer entertained, or the baby needs to eat, or even worse my computer battery dies. So in effort to downsize those enormous posts, I'm going to start now by taking my time to do them ONE at a time. Starting with the newest member of our family-Cody. Saturday November 20, I woke up having contractions-mild but nonetheless, contractions. I remembered sitting in the hospital, laboring with Clay for over 15 hours before having him. I was bored, hungry, and tired, and I swore I would never do it again (go to the hospital that early). So I didn't. After cleaning the house all morning, I talked my sister into going shopping with me. My new house was seemingly bare and I needed something to take my mind off the contractions. I had been timing the contractions all day and they were definitely moving closer together-but they weren't hurting-they were just annoying. So we ventured out. Mind you, we had a severe storm warning for Northern Utah. By about 7:30pm, we were walking through Hobby Lobby and I was exhausted. We had been out for several hours and my feet and back were sore. So we checked out and as we walked out to the car we noticed that "The Storm" was here. We were getting pounded with snow and apparently had been for the whole 2 hours that we'd been in the store, because there was already a few inches on the ground. On the way home I made a quick call to my mom to tell her about my contractions and the storm. (I didn't tell her earlier about the contractions because I wasn't sure if it was false labor or not.) Of course mom freaked out telling me to call my doctor and head to the hospital. But my stubborn-ness came out and I was not about to go without having dinner first. PLUS I still wasn't sure that I was actually in labor. I got home and chris had a bunch of people in the house (brothers, cousins, friends, etc.) I tried to hide my anxiousness and eat but everyone could tell something was wrong. Upon finishing what I could of my dinner, the contractions worsened and got painful and that's when the thought came to me that I might actually be in labor. I kept doubting myself all day because I was only 37 weeks and 1 day, so I got in the tub to ease my pain and relax my mind. Clay decided to get in the tub with me-not a good idea! I got out feeling even more anxious and that's when I told Chris I was ready to go to the hospital. As I attempted to pack my overnight bag, the contractions became so bad that I found myself down on the floor in my closet(hands and knees) just trying to get the pressure off my lower abdomen and groin area. By that time contractions were about 4 minutes apart and lasting about 60 seconds-so we headed to the hospital. The snow was still coming down and the roads were covered. I'm sure my screaming and heavy breathing didn't make things any less stressful for Chris who was resisting the urge to speed. When we got to the hospital (about 10:15pm)I was 5cm dialated and 100% effaced. I expressed to the nurses that I was trying to go "natural". I made it as far as an 8 (in dialation) before I was screaming for the epidural. Let's face it, we all know I'm a wuss, so it didn't surprise anyone that my "birth plan" went straight out the window when the real intense pain hit.(Fun fact for ya)I was informed early on that my dr was out of town, in Dallas...which is funny because my dr was also out of town when I went into labor with Clay. Cody William Conger was born at 12:15am on November 21, 2010. He was 6lbs and 11oz and 18 and a half inches long. (very tiny compared to Clay, who was 8lbs 11oz and 21 inches long) Cody from the get go was very quiet, and refused to cry. He also had some minor breathing problems and was on an oxygen monitor the whole time we were in the hospital. He was also a little yellow (jaundas) so he had to be under lights for a day and a half. Poor guy. But when it came to eating, Cody knew exactly where his food came from. :D Long story short-well a little short...we brought him home on Chris's 34th birthday and we've been in love with him ever since! I healed wonderfully and super fast, unlike my first labor and delivery. I had my energy and strength back hours after Cody was born instead of weeks which was very encouraging. Ok well I won't make you want any longer-here's Cody! Daddy giving Cody his first bath. Cody seems to be enjoying it. You can see the yellow "mask" around his eyes. Proud big brother Big yawn Steelers fan since day one! Yea baby!! My dad came into town and was able to do Cody's blessing. I'm very grateful that he holds the priesthood and could bestow those blessings upon Cody. Mom and her newest grandchild. Hello World!