So it's been awhile. I promised myself that I would keep this updated, and I've failed, miserably. Hopefully in the future I can stay on top of this a little better.
Anywho, Easter has come and gone. Clay's not quite old enough to understand the whole "Easter egg hunt" thing, but we decided to keep with the Easter spirit and color eggs. I'm not sure what the deal was but I ruined the first batch of hard boiled eggs when they all cracked in the pot of boiling water. Needless to say we had egg salad sandwiches for lunch that day. Clayton LOVES hard boiled eggs, so he was so excited just at the sight of seeing all the eggs lined up and ready to be dipped. (Ha! It's so funny no matter how mature you think your kid is -for their age- they will always bring you back down to earth with a big thud, or a huge mess). Yes, Clay is 23 months old, but he is very smart. He wants to be a big boy and do everything himself. We're learning that (most of the time) if you show him what to do first, and then let him take the reigns, a majority of the time he will play "copycat" and mimick you exactly. Coloring Easter eggs? Not so. We showed him that he must gently place the egg in the coloring so it doesn't splash and get him all dirty. He didn't care and thought it was funny to drop the egg from a couple feet above the glass and watch it splash. Thank goodness we don't really care about our carpet, and I was smart enough to remove all his clothing, AND put a towel under the the soon-to-be crime scene. He ended up with a dark purple drip stain down his chest. All in all, the eggs turned out great. Jayde and Clayton loved being able to choose what colors they liked the best, and this year we tried out some glitter eggs. (I don't reccommend doing those.) Clayton really loves Jayde and his eyes just get sooo big whenever he sees her or even when her name is mentioned. So Erin and I like getting them together. (Plus it makes Jayde feel like a "big sister" when she's around Clay) :)
Moving on, this past Sunday, we celebrated Carter's birthday (our nephew on Chris's side). He turned 4 and is very into Transformers and planes and sports. We got him a remote controlled airplane. That lasted all of 5 min. (if that) The little boys, just sat and watched--it was the big boys (all the brothers- Chris, Brian, & Matt, and family friend Dan) that destroyed the toy. Yes we will be making another trip to the toy store for a new, more durable birthday present to entertain a 4 year old...not a 34 year old. (Just kidding baby we all know you aren't 34...but 33 this year! Woot-woot!) Afterwards, the little boys, Clayton and Carter had a blast with Carter's new T-ball set. Clayton's a natural--but watch out, cause he doesn't care who's standing in the line of fire!
Last but not least, Spring is here and the warm weather is back. So Clayton got his summer haircut. The "mohawk". We gave him one when he was just a tiny baby, but now he has a big boy one. It's very long and very badass, might I add. Although I do miss his hair. :( I think he misses his hair too. Sometimes I catch him looking at himself weird in the mirror, or rubbing the sides of his shaved head, with a puzzled look on his face. Poor little guy. Hopefully it grows out fast. (His dad on the other hand, loves it!)
Welp, that's the scoop on us "Lately". Stay tuned. You never know when I might updat this thing! Mwauh ha ha ha ha.....